Because I work on Jenkins day in day out, it's easy for me to forget that most people don't pay /that/ much attention to Jenkins. If you fit that category, and if you want to stay on top of the latest happenings in Jenkins, don’t miss Volume 2 of Continuous Information, the CloudBees Newsletter for Jenkins.

This issue...

  • Features details about the 6 upcoming Jenkins User Conferences (don’t miss these)
  • Announces the new Jenkins CIA Program (join us to promote Jenkins around the globe)
  • Shows you where to find in-depth information about the latest Jenkins UI improvements and featured plugins (cool stuff)
  • Highlights the importance of Jenkins Security Advisories (install these regularly)
  • Tells you why Jenkins has blue balls instead of green ones (seriously)
  • Shows you the latest Jenkins Usage Stats (still growing super-fast)
  • … and more great stuff, including a bit of Jenkins humor (courtesy of our friends at Geek and Poke)

View this issue in full or sign up to receive future newsletters directly or to stay on top of the latest Jenkins goodness.

On somewhat unrelated note, call for Papers for upcoming JUC 2012 is open! Please help us spread the word...

About the Author
Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.