Its been 24 days since we announced Jenkins X, a CI/CD solution for modern cloud applications on Kubernetes. I’m truly blown away by the response and feedback from the community - thank you!

We’ve also had lots of folks report they’ve successfully used Jenkins X on a number of clouds including GKE, AWS and AKS along with on premise clusters which is great to hear!

Here’s a brief overview of the changes in the last 24 days from the Roadmap:

  • we now fully support GitHub and GitHub enterprise. BitBucket cloud and gitea is almost there too. Hopefully BitBucketServer and Gitlab are not too far away either. For more detail see supporting different git servers

  • For issue tracking we support GitHub, GitHub Enterprise and JIRA. For more detail see supporting issue trackers

  • Gradle support is now available from jx create spring or by importing gradle apps

  • Go, Node and Rust build packs are now available with more planned

  • New addons for anchore and kubeless

Also we’ve made it a little bit easier to keep your jx binary up to date continuously. Just type one of the following:

For more detail on the changes over the last 24 days with metrics please see the changelog generated by Jenkins X

We’d love to hear your feedback what you think of Jenkins X and the Roadmap - please join the community.

About the Author
James Strachan

James is a long time open source contributor, created the Groovy programming language and Apache Camel integration framework. For the past few years he’s been working on CI/CD with Kubernetes.