Google Summer of Code in Jenkins

Jenkins GSoC

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is an annual, international, program which encourages college-aged students to participate with open source projects during the summer break between classes.

Students accepted into the program receive a stipend, paid by Google, to work well-defined projects to improve or enhance the Jenkins project. In exchange, numerous Jenkins community members volunteer as "mentors" for students to help integrate them into the open source community and succeed in completing their summer projects.

GSoC 2019

We have applied to Google Summer of Code 2019, accepted organizations will be announced on February 26. We already have many project ideas posted, and we welcome potential students and mentors to reach out to us.


If you are a student, you can start exploring project ideas towards the GSoC application phase. Each project page contains contacts to reach out to mentors, and many projects have lists of newbie-friendly issues you can start from.

You are also welcome to propose their own project ideas, see the guidelines here.


Currently we are looking for project ideas and mentors (announcement). All Jenkins contributors can to participate, independently of their Jenkins development experience.


We use the GSoC SIG for communications about GSoC. Projects may also have their own mailing lists, chats and meetings. See details on project pages.

Mailing lists

Public Google Group: jenkinsci-gsoc-all-public.

The purpose of this mailing list is for all public communications on GSoC such as new mentor and new student introductions, project proposal questions and discussions, process and timeline related questions. For private matters such as communication difficulties with mentors, students, or org admins, please use the admin mailing list shown below.

  1. To start, you need a Google or Gmail account

  2. After clicking above link, a "Sign in" button appears in top-right of page

  3. After sign in, a "Join group" button appears in middle of page

  4. To learn more about joining a Google Group, please see


Office hours

Although we use mailing lists as the main communication channel, we also have regular "office hours" video calls. During these timeslots Jenkins GSoC org admins and mentors are available for any GSoC-related questions.

Before the announcement of accepted projects, we will be using a weekly GSoC SIG meeting as the office hours slot (2PM UTC on Wednesdays). You can add the office hours to your calendar when you visit the Jenkins event calendar.

More slots may be added in the future. We post links in our Gitter channel before the meeting starts. Meetings are recorded on-demand and posted here.

In addition to these organization-wide meetings, each GSoC project has regular meetings during community bonding and coding phases. See the project pages for the schedule.

Org admins

GSoC Organization admins in 2019: Martin d’Anjou, Jeff Pearce, Lloyd Chang, Oleg Nenashev.

Jenkins Org Admins mailing list: Use this mailing list if you need to discuss something privately with org admins, such as communication difficulties with mentors, students, or other org admins. For all other use-cases, use public contacts listed here.

You can find more information about GSoC in Jenkins below.

Previous years